Taking your road test in Brooklyn can be a nerve-wracking experience. With the city’s busy streets, unpredictable traffic, and numerous distractions, it's essential to stay calm and focused. Whether you’re a new driver or someone who’s already been behind the wheel for a while, preparing for the road test can be stressful. To help you succeed, we’ve compiled a list of the top mistakes to avoid during your Brooklyn road test. Understanding these common errors will help boost your confidence and increase your chances of passing on the first try.

1. Not Checking Your Mirrors Regularly

One of the most common mistakes during the road test is failing to check your mirrors frequently. The examiner will be observing how well you stay aware of your surroundings. Not looking at your mirrors is a sign that you're not paying attention to nearby traffic, which can be dangerous.

To avoid this mistake:

  • Check your rearview and side mirrors every 5-8 seconds.
  • Make it a habit to glance at your mirrors before and after making any maneuvers, such as changing lanes or turning.
  • When backing up, be sure to also check your surroundings by physically turning your head.

Regular mirror checks will show the examiner that you're a cautious, aware driver.

2. Failing to Signal or Signaling Incorrectly

Many drivers forget to signal, signal too late, or fail to use the correct signals during their road test. Using your turn signals is crucial for communicating your intentions to other drivers. Failing to signal could not only cause confusion but also result in dangerous situations on the road.

To avoid this mistake:

  • Use your turn signals at least 100 feet before making a turn.
  • Signal every time you change lanes, make a turn, or pull over.
  • Double-check that you're signaling in the right direction to avoid confusion.

Always be mindful of signaling properly throughout the test. It’s an essential habit that ensures both your safety and that of others on the road.

3. Not Coming to a Complete Stop at Stop Signs

One of the easiest ways to fail your Brooklyn road test is by not coming to a full stop at stop signs. Many test-takers make the mistake of performing a "rolling stop," where they slow down but don’t come to a complete halt.

To avoid this mistake:

  • Always come to a full stop at stop signs. Your vehicle should be completely still for at least three seconds.
  • After stopping, make sure to check all directions before proceeding, even if you believe the intersection is clear.

Stopping fully at stop signs demonstrates to the examiner that you understand and respect traffic laws.

4. Misjudging Parallel Parking

Parallel parking is one of the most challenging aspects of the Brooklyn road test, and it’s an area where many drivers struggle. This task requires precision, patience, and practice. Test-takers often misjudge the space, hit the curb, or park too far from the curb.

To avoid this mistake:

  • Practice parallel parking repeatedly before your road test. Set up cones or use real parking spaces to simulate the experience.
  • Remember the basic steps: align your car with the one in front, turn the wheel to back into the spot, straighten the wheel, and finish backing into the space.
  • Be patient and take your time to park correctly. It’s better to take a little longer than to make a hasty mistake.

Perfecting your parallel parking skills is critical, especially on Brooklyn’s busy streets where parking is limited and tight. Be sure to enroll with the best driving school on Nostrand Avenue to master parallel parking.

5. Speeding or Driving Too Slowly

During the test, maintaining the correct speed is essential. Driving too fast shows a lack of caution, while driving too slowly can indicate hesitance and uncertainty. Both speeding and driving too slowly can lead to mistakes that cost you points during the road test.

To avoid this mistake:

  • Always observe posted speed limits, especially in residential areas and school zones.
  • Keep pace with the flow of traffic without exceeding the speed limit.
  • Slow down when necessary, but don’t crawl. Maintaining a smooth and steady speed shows confidence and control.

Being mindful of your speed is key to passing your Brooklyn road test.

6. Improper Lane Changes

Improper lane changes are another common mistake that drivers make during their road test. Failing to signal, checking blind spots inadequately, or not yielding to traffic before switching lanes can all lead to errors that can result in a failing grade.

To avoid this mistake:

  • Always use your turn signal before changing lanes.
  • Check your mirrors and physically turn to check your blind spot before making the lane change.
  • Make sure there’s enough space between you and the car in the adjacent lane before moving over.

Safe lane changes show the examiner that you’re in control and aware of your surroundings.

7. Poor Steering Control

Having poor steering control can result in hitting curbs, veering out of your lane, or making jerky turns. The examiner is looking for smooth, controlled movements during your road test.

To avoid this mistake:

  • Practice turning the wheel smoothly, especially in tight corners and during parallel parking.
  • Keep both hands on the wheel at all times, typically at the 9 o’clock and 3 o’clock positions.
  • Avoid oversteering or understeering by practicing gradual and controlled movements.

Smooth steering shows the examiner that you have good vehicle control, a crucial aspect of safe driving.

8. Not Being Aware of Pedestrians and Cyclists

Brooklyn streets are crowded with pedestrians and cyclists. During your road test, failing to yield to them or not noticing their presence can lead to dangerous situations and an automatic failure.

To avoid this mistake:

  • Always yield to pedestrians at crosswalks and intersections.
  • Be mindful of cyclists, and give them enough space when driving alongside them or passing.
  • Look out for pedestrians jaywalking, especially in busy urban areas.

Being alert and cautious around pedestrians and cyclists is a critical part of driving safely in Brooklyn.


Passing your Brooklyn road test requires more than just knowing how to drive. It’s about demonstrating safe, responsible habits while navigating the city’s unique challenges. By avoiding these common mistakes—such as not checking your mirrors, failing to signal, speeding, and misjudging parking—you’ll increase your chances of passing the test. Practice these essential driving skills, stay calm, and focus on safety. With the right preparation, you’ll be well on your way to earning your driver’s license and driving confidently on the streets of Brooklyn.

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